Sunday, February 16, 2014

Black Widow #3 Review –“When an Undercover Abandons Ship!”


At the time, I heard Black Widow series being announced I was pretty excited because it’s been a while since the last time she had a series. I also have been enjoying her character in many other series and in the movies so far. So, I think it’s time for her to get her own spotlight and hopefully if this series does well it can maybe be an extra ticket to her own solo movie. Because I feel like she a great character that really deserves one. So far this series has been pretty stellar though. The writer really portrays the character really well and the art is pretty amazing. So, if you would like to learn more about the character I suggest you pick this series up and this issue is pretty fun as well.


Black Widow is on a quest to save the innocents, one turns out not be one at all and the other was worth saving.

The Good

I believe this issue was pretty amazing! Because we get to know a lot about Black Widow on how she stands as a hero. We get to know her moral and how much she cares about people or what kind of role model she is. She also shows it’s not always about the money and how much of a ruthless killer she is. It’s really about the choices she makes sold her character. I also feel that many people may be bothered that there isn’t a main villain or arc in this issue, but the character development really makes for it and plus, the set up for the arc is at the very end. This issue is also very simple for me and 
sometimes I like it that way.

The art is really beautiful here and I do really like how Black Widow isn’t sexualize at all and somehow this art looks beautiful without it. The action looks really well done and clean cut too. I think the painting art style is really working out in this book and I hope it stays for a really long time.

The Bad

I don’t think there was anything bad in this issue at all.


I give this issue a 5/10 out of 5/10 stars. It’s a great character development issue. It really sets who she is and what she will try to remain for the rest of the series. You can see that she is not the typical ruthless killer and that she can really care about people. The art is simply amazing to look in almost every panel. So, if you want to know who Black Widow is as a character than I recommend you get this issue. I think you should get the other two issues as well even though they are standalone stories that are just great additions to her character. And now since the main arc is starting it’s a great time to jump in.


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