Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ms. Marvel #8 Review –“The Wonderful Adventures of Ms. Marvel and Lockjaw!”


Ms. Marvel has been a very exhilarating series filled with loads of fun and entertainment. I have immediately love Kamala Khan’s personality since the first issue. She is a very lovable character that tries to really hard to fit the new world she’s in. It’s really hard for her to fit in with herself into school because she’s sort of a comic book geek and she comes from a Muslim/Islamic background that’s really different than what people of interpret of recent comings. Plus, she has a new found power about being an inhuman that she just finding much about. So, now that she has school, culture and superhero antics to fit into. It comes off as a challenge struggle to find her place in the world and looks like she has a start. I also love her sense of bravery and she really tries hard to saving people and fighting the dangers of villains. What I find most interesting thing about this series, is the aspects of the Muslim religion. This book has good positive influences of this religion’s belief systems that can hold a good sense of faith and confidence for all people no matter where they come from. It shows that this religion is really not bad at all and that people have often misrepresented what this religion is all about. It’s really similar to all sorts of other religions but they just do things a little different. That’s why I love this series because it goes against all the misrepresentations of Muslims in America and it shows people that they aren’t “terrorists”. They are all just like everyone else who is just trying to enjoy life. Ms. Marvel also has a great supporting cast of friends and family who stand up and believe in her or care about her in every way. This series also has a sense of charm and humor that really makes me laugh with happiness and it makes me look forward to this series every month. I also think if you haven’t checked this series out, you should check the issues featuring Wolverine. It really brings out a good dynamic relationship in these two that makes them into a good team. It really puts a warm place in my heart. So, if you’re looking for a series that all about fitting in this world which, everyone has a problem with, then I highly suggest you check this series out. Even this issue should be worth checking out because good issue that shows Ms. Marvel’s heroism and plus there’s Lockjaw, isn’t he the cutest!? (Laughs)      


While Ms. Marvel is investigating the whereabouts of the Inventor she bumps into Lockjaw and takes him to an adventure of saving people being kidnapped as she finds something mysterious about her powers.

The Good

I believe this is a really good issue. It’s very nice to see the relationship of Ms. Marvel and Lockjaw grows. They seem to have a great bond and it’s something you will really have fun and enjoy seeing. This issue is also very funny especially the situations of how Kamala’s parents and brother react to Ms. Marvel keeping Lockjaw. The things they say are off the wall funny. I also like the sense of bravery Kamala is getting to find ways to saving people in any means necessary. It really shows her aspects of being a hero and I like how she and her friend, Bruno are putting their investigating skills to the 

Adrian Alphona does a great job with the art. There are some great action scenes with Ms. Marvel and Lockjaw that really shows some nice teamwork. There’s some great work with the face expressions on the characters facing especially how her parents react to Lockjaw or how Kamala’s head blows up like a balloon she hurts herself. It really brings out the humor in this book.  I also think Ian Herring did a great job with the colors like the shades of blue when Lockjaw teleports or when Kamala tries to save the boy or the robot’s visor. He really puts the use of unique colors in places where they can shine.

The Bad

There’s only minor gripes in this issue that doesn’t really bother me too much, like why would Kamala Khan introduce Lockjaw to her family when she’s trying to keep her secret identity from her family and wouldn’t that make them suspicious especially when she’s out there fighting bad guys with Lockjaw where people might actually see? But I feel this is a minor gripe because it did bring out some fun humor moments and situations that I enjoyed.
There are some panels that were less detailed and had some bad art. But again, it’s very minor when the majority of issue has good art and coloring.


The theme for this issue is heroism. Heroism is a big responsibility to have especially when you’re able to endanger your life for the safety of other’s lives. It also takes a sense of bravery and skill to make effort in being a hero. It can give you pride, but you have to be careful because without skill you can fall into some deep danger and hurt yourself. This is what I saw with Ms. Marvel, she really takes pride in saving these teenagers and some type of bravery to the point where she endangers herself which is something she would need to work on eventually.


The give this issue a 4.8/9.8 out of 5/10 stars. It’s a very entertaining issue that will really make you laugh. It has its humorous moments especially with Lockjaw. He really puts a smile in your face. Plus, it’s just hilarious how everyone reacts around him. It’s nice to see how Ms. Marvel puts her bravery to her heart in saving people even when she is hurting herself. Adrian does an amazing art especially when it comes to the action and Ian does a very good job on the colors as well. So, together they really make the art shine in this issue. The only minor gripe is Kamala showing Lockjaw to her parents that can reveal her secret identity. But other than that it brings out the humor in this issue. That’s why it doesn’t bother me much. But I think this is a great issue that I recommend you picking up. It really has some joy you will really love.            

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