Friday, March 7, 2014

Avengers Assemble #24 Review –“When You Team-Up with Iron Man, You’re Just Too Damn Cool!”


As the time I read this series, it’s been on a bumpy road and have I felt it was just a simple cash in at the start. It was just a series with the Avengers movie cast with terrible storylines that had just pure action. But when Kelley Sue Deconnick jumped on board she definitely made a great anthology series focusing on a particular Avenger character. But this series was still proven fatal to be cancelled because many of issues were tie-ins to major events like Infinity, Age of Ultron and crossed over with Captain Marvel  maybe pulled away from a lot of people that wasn’t reading those series. I also think having the constant character shifts every issue probably killed too. But nonetheless it has a few good issues with Captain Marvel and Black Widow in Age of Ultron and now the focus is switched to Spider-Girl (Arana Corazon) teaming up with every Avenger trying solve the case of her professor being captured as an inhuman.  It’s a great format they should have followed from the beginning because seeing new characters teaming up with Avengers for the first time and learning new things is really interesting to read. Even though, this series is cancelled I recommend you pick up this particular arc because Spider-Girl is an interesting character and seeing her interact and learn new things with every Avenger is really awesome to see and you won’t feel lost jumping on to this either.       

Spider-Girl is still trying to find her professor and Iron Man decides to help her.

The Good

Spider-Girl is really turning out to be a good character and much better than her previous series. She’s proven that she’s still a new superhero and seeing her being stubborn about team up and naïve about studying villains can be fun. It was nice to see Tony show her what study can do and she tries to learn from it. The Iron Man and Spider-Girl chemistry continues to be entertaining and funny. Plus, I really like the new spin on her costume. It’s really stylish.
The art is really great in this series as well. The visuals on the characters’ face expressions are done really well. I even liked the hologram scene with Tony. The art had good details and great use on the colors. The action is also done pretty good too.

The Bad

I couldn’t find anything bad with this issue. But since the next issue being the last could turn out quite rushed considering she’s teaming up with all the Avengers for one last hurrah. I kind of liked the previous new costume even though this newer one is probably slightly better. Maybe I have a bad fashion sense. (Laughs)


I give this issue a 5/10 out of 5/10 stars. Spider-Girl continues to be an interesting character as these issues digs deep. I really like her stubbornness and how she’s still willing to learn new things.  Since I have grown to like her, it shows she deserves a second chance at a new series with Kelley Sue Deconnick. The art is another great thing about this particular arc in this series. It has nice use of face expressions, action and color. There’s nothing really bad about this issue. So, if you’re looking to learn about Spider-Girl or having some fun with the Avengers then I suggest you pick this issue up and look up the other issues in this arc as well.

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