Friday, November 8, 2013

Batman 66’ #19 Review –“If Batman Is Right Here, Then what’s Bruce Wayne Doing There?”


False Face has disguised himself as Bruce Wayne and has sold a fake jewelry to the national bank. Commissioner Gordon also finds out about the report and is on his way to arrest Bruce Wayne. So, will he let the cops arrest him or prove them wrong?

The Good

I really liked this issue a lot. It was definitely a pick up than the last few bad ones. I wonder what Bruce Wayne will do to convince Commissioner Gordon and the cops in the next issue. False Face even though he seems to be like another Clayface, he has a totally different personality. The art was really good on this one too. The jokes and the action seemed to be okay because they didn’t have much emphasis on the digital features, it was just blinking dialogue.

The Bad

The only bad thing was that I didn’t like Riddler’s look in this issue. He looked sort of different and strange.


I give this issue a 4.8/9.8 out of 5/10 stars. I think this an intriguing issue that you should definitely pick up.  If you interested into knowing who False Face is then keep tuning in. Like I said before I wonder what Batman/Bruce Wayne and Robin have up their sleeve. And I hope this series can keep this momentum for the next couple of issues.


Batman 66’ #18 Review –“The Russian with No Love”


Olga, Queen of Cossacks has gone after Batman and Robin after arresting her lover, Egghead. Now she feels lonely and wants Batman to be the new King and lover. So, will Batman surrender to her love?

The Good

There wasn’t anything I particularly liked in this issue. It was really boring in my opinion.

The Bad

I honestly think this was the worst issue in the series. It was absolutely boring and Olga doesn’t really pose a big threat since she only wanted Batman. She seems to be another uninteresting villain from TV series. Again, the quality has gone down so the action falls very flat without digital features. The jokes were corny and for some reason the art was really bad. The characters looked a lot less detailed than ever before, like even 
Barbara Gordon didn’t look like herself.


I give this issue a 1/1 out of 5/10 stars. It’s another issue I don’t see worth getting. It’s the most disappointed one as a matter of fact. I think this series has truly lost its value after a few bad issues. Thankfully, the next issue puts it back on track to a worth reading issue. But this series has to pick it up because it won’t last long if it’s inconsistently good. 

Action Comics #25 Review –“Can the Young Superman Stop a Hurricane?”


It’s Zero Year in Superman’s Action Comics! And it starts off Superman trying to stop a hurricane without most of his powers.

The Good

This is the issue I was really anticipating because it was being written by Greg Pak. The wonderful writer whose written all those great Hulk and Hercules books. Anyways as I read this issue, he already does a great job with a young Superman. I really like the cockiness Superman who thinks he’s good at everything when he knows he’s not. I also liked that we really get to see the struggle that Superman gets when dealing with his powers. It really shows how much he’s grown and how young and immature this Superman can be. This is what was definitely missing with Grant Morrison’s story with Superman and it’s the reason I even barely liked it. I kind of hope /wish he continues writing young Superman because he’s really good at this. Even though the art was bad at times there was times it was really good especially at the splash pages with the hurricane.

The Bad

I really didn’t like this interpretation of Lana Lang. She was really indecisive and a jerk, I couldn’t tell if she really liked Clark or she was happy or scared from saving people from the boat. I know she was this way in Smallville TV series which is why didn’t like here there. I only seem to like Lana in Superman the Animated Series. So, maybe that is her character. The art was also very inconsistent, she had totally different looks from the main and short story and some the small panels were really bad too.


I give this issue a 4/8 of 5/10 stars. The story was a little okay on the hurricane part. It was just the personality and the struggles that Greg did on Superman I really liked. It’s Superman you have wanted to read for a very long time. The short story is also something to look forward to in the next issue.  So, this is definitely an issue worth picking up and keep tuning in.

Action Comics Annual #2 Review –“The Superman Family That’s Too Stupid To Get Along”


The Superman Family is pulled into a portal that leads them to Krypton. As they landed they discovered H’El many failed attempts to save Krypton creating multiple alternate realities.   Now it’s up to them to fix the time stream of their doomed planet!

The Good

It’s an interesting concept that fall apart from bad writing really fast. Not even the art can be stable, because there are points where it’s really good then there’s points where it’s really bad. I guess all I can like is the Man of Steel Easter egg for Faora and I really liked her personality.

The Bad

Here’s another bad issue with Scott Lobdell’s bad writing. The thing that bothers me the most is the too much banter and idiocracy the Superman family has. First, Supergirl can’t tell how much destruction H’el has caused after Oracle just showed her. Then second, Superman can’t tell what’s happening to Superboy meanwhile he has X-ray vision and finally, Superboy throws a temper tantrum attacking everything when Faora told him not to. And the banter comes from all the idiocracy they threw at each other. So, this issue is just really all bad altogether! It’s also strange that since Superboy comes from after Forever Evil timeline, he never mentions anything to Superman being dead or anything that’s going on in Earth. I guess he didn’t really care on what was going on over there. I also didn’t get when Laura Lor-Van does not recognize why he looks some much like her husband at all.


I give this issue a 2/3 out of 5/10 stars. I really don’t see this arc to be really interesting. Mainly, because it’s already off to a bad start. It was too much banter and idiocracy distracting the chance of a really good story. I really don’t see the interest in picking this up unless you want to tune into the world of Krypton. But maybe since the Superman family is separated they can save themselves from all the banter and idiocracy for the next issue. But if not then let’s call it a bad ride from the past. 

Ultimate TV-Verse Podcast Episode 5 - Firefly Episode 9 (Ariel) & Episode 10 (War Stories)

  Hey everyone welcome to another episode of Ultimate TV-Verse podcast!! I know the news relating to Joss Whedon in this podcast is a bit ou...