Sunday, September 22, 2013

Batman: Black and White #1 Review – “The New Generation of Black and White Stories Begins Here”.

I was really exciting to hear that a new Batman: Black and White coming out. Yes, it’s another Batman title, but it reminds me of the joy of watching the Batman: Black and White motion comics. They were very fun to watch and I have been curious to actually get the volume someday. If you’re enjoying the series, then I suggest you check out the motion comics. It’s very fun and different. After reading this issue it was definitely worth the wait. What I liked about this series is that there’s something very unique to bring to the table with great stories and beautiful art. So, please check this series out. You will enjoy it for sure.

Many black and white short stories featuring characters like Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Superman, and The Ventriloquist.

The Good
The most exciting story I enjoyed in this issue was definitely Harley and Ivy. The art and writing reminded me so much of Batman: The Animated Series. The characters were definitely written very intelligently like Poison Ivy showing her scientific side, Batman showing his detective side and Harley was spot on with her humor. This story was written Maris Wicks and illustrated by Joe Quinones not Bruce Timm. But I think they definitely wanted to give you the feel of Batman TAS and it really did feel like I was reading an episode of Batman TAS. It’s the best writing I have seen in a long time. The next story I liked was Head Games, mainly because of the great writing of The Ventriloquist. Seeing the male version rather than the female in the New 52 was much a pleasure. Driven was another good story that didn’t have much dialogue but it did have great humor and it remind me of Wacky Races or the Fast and Furious series. I also did like the relationship of Batman and Alfred in most of these short stories. The other two stories weren’t really that interesting. But I did enjoy the art and that’s what I like about this series because the art can only be done in black and white.

The Bad
Batman Zombie is the most disappointing story in here. It was really strange and I could not tell what was really going on. It was very weird and boring to read. Don’t know where…when, wasn’t really much of a story. It had very little dialogue and more action. So, the story fell pretty flat. But at the least the action scenes look really well done.


I give this issue a 4/9 out of 5/10 stars. It was a wonderful joy to read this issue, even despite of the two disappointing stories. But there’s beautiful art across all stories. So, I still think this issue is worth buying and reading or just to enjoy the art. I even think it’s worth buying the entire series mostly just because of the art.  

Batman Beyond 2.0 #3 Review – “Who Is This Mysterious Person, and How Far Terry Can Go?”

Wow, ever since I have been reading Batman Beyond it has been an incredible series! It has been developed with great dialogue and interesting plotlines. I’m a big fan of the original cartoon series. So, honestly reading the continuation has been a very warm welcome. It’s only been three issues so far in the new volume and Kyle Higgins is doing an awesome job! If you enjoyed the cartoon series, I suggest you start buying and reading this series right now.

 The Good
This issue is another warm welcome. The action scenes going on in Arkham were definitely very awesome.  I felt the dialogue and the story were at a very well pace especially the relationship with Dick and Bruce and Barbara talking with the new mayor. I also liked seeing Terry going through a rough time trying to juggle his life being at school and a superhero which, causes less time spend with his family.

Terry finishes his fight from the breakout of Arkham. The relationships are building up with Dick and Bruce and Barbara with the new Mayor. Terry tries to juggle his life all together while there’s a mysterious new threat?  

The Bad
I don’t think I can find anything bad besides the fight at Arkham. I really did like the cool action scenes, but at the same time I felt too easy for Terry. I was wondering where the strong villains he usually fights were. They definitely weren’t in Arkham.

I give this issue a 4/9 out of 5/10 stars. It’s another amazing issue from a very good series. The dialogue and the characters relationships are being very well developed. The only downside is the action is feeling too easy for Terry. But it’s still a very well done action scene. There’s a new mysterious character to be revealed in the future so keep on the lookout for more issues. So, definitely starting buying and reading.

Deadpool Kills Deadpool #3 Review – “Noooo…..Why Did She Have to Die?”

Jumping into Deadpool Kills Deadpool has been a very fun and exciting mini-series. It’s the typical the Deadpool comic with a lot killing and joking humor. Plus, you also get to see tons of different versions of Deadpool. So, I suggest you buy and read this mini-series. It will definitely make you laugh.

Deadpool, Deadpool Watcher, Lady Deadpool and Panda-pool are defending themselves in fighting different versions of them. We get see the death of Glactipool and Lady Deadpool and a new gang of Deadpools join the fray.

The Good
This is another exciting issue of the Deadpool Kills Deadpool series. The humor is really top notch. I was dying laughing with what Deadpool and the watcher were saying. The action scenes and art was also pretty nice and funny to see and surprising enough there was a good serious moment with Lady Deadpool before she died. I even think knowing more about her character was a pleasure. I really did like seeing different versions of Deadpool in this one.

The Bad
It was really tragic to see Lady Deadpool die here. But it was understandable considering this is a Deadpool Kills series. I was just hoping for her to actually survive. Panda-pool seems to be a waste of time because he doesn’t do much here. We also have no idea who’s the main villain here who’s trying to kill all the Deadpools and revealing that in the last issue could probably cause a rushed ending disaster.


This issue deserves a 4/9 out of 5/10 stars. I feel it was an enjoyable issue with great humor and fun to read. I am hoping to learn more about Deadpool the Duck and his crew in the next issue. He looks awesome and who wouldn’t want to know about him? If you decide to buy this issue, I'm sure it will keep you laughing and please tune into the last chapter in the next issue. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Smallville Season 11 #63 Review – “When an A.I. Dreams.”

When I heard the announcement of the continuation of Smallville in comic book form, I was very much excited. Mainly because I always such a big fan even despite of all the bad story plots it had. I think Smallville came out strong at the very end. The last three seasons were definitely one of the best so I was very glad and waiting to see how much more characters were going to get introduced. But after I have been reading the comic book series it has been from okay to mediocre. I don’t know what happened with this series, it’s even from the same writer of the last three seasons and it still doesn’t swing well. I am also not a big fan of the story switching as of late. I prefer they stick with just one story. The only story I’m sort of finding interesting is the Wonder Woman story. But sadly this week is about the Lex Luthor special which isn’t that exciting.

Tess Mercer is having a full fledge fight with Lex Luthor after saving Dr. Hamilton. When he is defeated, Tess and Hamilton escapes and she discusses about her humanity meanwhile Lex awaits his next plan.

The Good
This issue wasn’t really that good at all. It was nice to see that Tess still has some humanity left since she became in A.I. But besides that the story still feels pretty flat. But I did like the art in this book. The characters did really look like their TV counterparts unlike in the Wonder Woman story.

The Bad
I’m definitely not sold on Tess being an A.I. To me it looks like she has lost much of her aggressive charm and gone completely soft. I kind of wish she could have been Lex’s apprentice than Otis because Otis is still that boring goofy character from the movie. I thought no one ever liked him. So, I’m really surprised to see him here.

I think this issue deserves a 2/4.5 out of 5/10 stars. It’s a story that doesn’t have much character progression besides knowing that Tess can still dream. I don’t see why this was waste on a special. I rather see this happen on a regular issue because it really isn’t all that special. The only reason I see that this is worth picking up is if you are actually enjoying this series to see Tess finding her inner humanity. There is also some nice art. But everything else just feels flat. 

Batman and Robin #23.1: Two Face Review – “Flip a coin, any coin!”

Here’s another review of villain’s month Batman books. The Batman villain’s books have definitely been alright. It hasn’t really been that spectacular from where I’m coming from. And sadly this is another sort of disappointing book to read. I mean it is interesting read but all it does is progress him to joining the secret society. There’s nothing new we learn from this character. But this book is definitely one of the better Batman books. But it isn’t saying much because most of the Batman books have been really poor this month.

After Two-Face is broken out of Arkham, Scarecrow talks him into joining the Secret Society. But in order to make a firm decision he must be able to protect Gotham at the same time.

The Good
I felt this book was pretty average to me. It was really nothing great to make me love this book. It has really nice art with a lot cool looking splash pages. The beginning of the book was the only real interest because we got his progression of him joining the Secret Society.

The Bad
Everything else just feels like a waste of time. Because after he talks with Scarecrow he just wreaks havoc and starts shooting everything. Don’t get me wrong, the dialogue is great. But I felt we should have learned more about this character of who he was and how he came to be. I rather have them tell us his origin story because we don’t know if anything has changed. We haven’t seen the New 52 origin story of Two Face at all and this would have been a great opportunity to finally see it.  So, I’m hoping he will get more development in Forever Evil.

I give this issue a 3.5/7.0 out of 5/10 stars. It has really nice art and detail on the action scenes. But the story falls pretty flat because he just shoots everywhere. It’s an all action story, nothing new to know about the character. It’s just very disappointing because we haven’t had a definitive a story about Two Face besides that short story some time ago in the New 52 at all. The only reason I see picking this book up is the really awesome 3D cover and nice art inside the book. You really won’t miss anything if you skip this book too. Because you see him joining the Secret Society in Forever Evil #1, so it makes the story seem pointless. I believe DC needs to pick it up with the Batman villain’s books. There are just too many disappointing ones in already two weeks.

Avengers A.I. #3 – “The Vision Manipulation”

As much of a disappointed event Age of Ultron was, something great has come out it, Avengers A.I.! It has been such a great book so far. It has very interesting new and old characters. There’s been a lot of good character development that goes so well together. I suggest you really start buying and reading this book. It’s really that good. And that’s saying a lot because there have only been three issues out now.

As the members of Avengers A.I. are dealing with the sentinel, Vision is being manipulated by Dimitrios. Dimitrios sends him on a new homeland called Diamond that was created from the Ultron Virus. Vision feels good to learn about the people and he feels he needs to be protected. So will he join Avengers A.I. or Dimitrios to protect his new home?

The Good
I am really enjoying the series because it has a lot of character development and dynamics. The humor seems to go very smoothly especially with Victor and Doombot. I also like that Monica Chang and Hank Pym are finally getting along after a rough night. Seeing Vision being manipulated by Dimitrios was very believable because Vision hasn’t been very well liked since the events of Age of Ultron. So, it really makes sense how he feels alone on earth and feels he can live in Diamond.

The Bad
I couldn’t find anything bad in this issue besides the art. The art can be good sometimes but it can kind of get displaced. I also feel we should learn more about Alexis. But since we got more character development in here with other characters then maybe we will get more in another issue.
I give this issue a 4.5/9.5 out of 5/10 stars. It’s a good issue that definitely shows that the characters can grow. We did get a lot of good humor and nice emotional history with Vision. The only downside to this book was the art. But I still feel you should pick this up and keep tuning in! It’s really a great book and I’m still itching to see if Dimitrios really is Ultron.


All New X-Men #16 Review – Jean has absolutely freaked out!”

Here’s another great issue from the Battle of the Atom event! I really believe this event is going to be the absolute best. But it’s hard to say, because Infinity and Forever Evil has started out strong. So, I suggest you definitely pick up this issue. You will definitely know more about these Future X-Men. So keep tuning in!

After the Future X-Men have arrived, they discuss about where they come from and who they are. Meanwhile during the discussions young Jean Grey is freaking out thus she escapes with Cyclops to somewhere unknown and there are also glimpses of Triage’s new found power. We also get the revealing of the mysterious character, adult/future Jean Grey!

The Good
I really think this was another exciting issue from Bendis’ All New X-Men run. He just continues to shock us on our feet. I loved that he keeps us in this way because it’s a great way to keep us interested. Seeing how young Jean Grey is freaking out to the situation was simply amazing. The humor was also at a good pace and great interactions and emotions going around with all the X-Men. The art was definitely in much great detail as well and adult Jean Grey looked absolutely beautiful.

The Bad
I don’t think they should have teased the dealings of what Triage just discovered about his powers. It felt that it was just a squeezed in without much detail. It definitely wanted me to have more. I think it should have been put in Uncanny X-Men instead of this series. I also felt disappointed we didn’t get to see a future X-Men version of Cyclops or Angel. I really hope there’s an explanation to what has happened to them, especially when I feel Angel has really been underused. I also couldn’t believe Wolverine has forgotten Molly Hayes?!

I give this issue a 4.5/9.5 out of 5/10 stars. It’s another exciting issue worth reading with great conflict and interaction. The color and the art are amazing to see here. There’s isn’t much of any negatives here. So I definitely suggest you buy and read this issue. You definitely will feel more and more excitement.     

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Batman #23.1: The Joker Review – “When the Joker has a soft side?”

Here’s another issue of villain’s month and it’s a look at Joker’s unknown soft side. I admit I was really disappointed with this issue because it isn’t really much of an origin story. It just another little story that seems boring about The Joker’s past. It’s really sad because I was really looking forward to this.

The Joker and his minions are breaking into a zoo. But an ape has caught Joker’s eye and remind him of his terrible childhood. So, he ends up taking it with him and raises it with much care throughout the years. But it suddenly dies and raises the question. Did Joker really care for Jack (ape) or was it just simply to fill in the void? The answer may lurk beyond this issue.
The Good
The only thing I can really say was good is the art. It had nice choice of colors and details. I also think it could have delved more into his past about his Aunt abusing him as a child rather than him caring about an ape? I really don’t know if he cared for it because he laughed as soon as it died. It just could have been more interesting to find about his childhood and see why he has become so sadistic.

The Bad
This was a really disappointing issue and it really caught me by surprise. I thought The Joker was going to be one of the best. But it turned out to be one of the worst. His minions were dull and boring and I’m assuming this was before Harley Quinn. And come on he is seriously caring for an ape? I’m sorry but I don’t buy it. It even makes it more pointless that the story will continue in the Batman short stories.

I give this issue a 3/5.0 out of 5/10 stars. The only thing I really enjoyed was the art and learning more about his childhood which, I wish was delved more into. But besides that the ape story is just too dull. This was definitely one of the most disappointing Batman titles during villain’s month. 

Legends of the Dark Knight #66 Review – “The mystery of the Frankenstein lurks in.”

Since the time I have been reading Legends of The Dark Knight it has been somewhat okay. I mean some are good and some are really bad. They are just nowhere near as good as the Adventures of Superman titles. And sadly, this is just 
another one of those bad ones.

A man name Norman has become really obsessive with his Frankenstein experiment by collecting blood samples of Batman. So, the mystery of what he has created will be revealed in the next issue.

The Good
The only good thing that was in this issue was the really nice art. There are some really nice splash action scenes with Batman fighting his villains.

The Bad
I really wasn’t feeling this issue because it was just a bunch of splash pages and all you could see his Norman collecting blood samples after each scene and his obsession with his experiment.

I give this issue a 1/ 3.5 out of 5/10 stars. I know I’m being really harsh. But there wasn’t much a story here. I really didn’t think this character’s past and obsession was interesting. I personally would skip this arc unless you really want the beautiful art.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1 Review – “Cyclops where did you go?”

Ever since I read Bendis’ run of All New X-Men it has been an amazing run. The characterizations have been very dynamic and fun. I even like the interactions they have with the current characters and each other. There’s seems to be a lot of conflicts that really make it go bananas. I always wanted to see the repercussions of bringing the characters to the present and seeing it finally happen has got me excited. And 
trust me this issue is really good!

A new mutant is causing destruction in a nearby city. So, the X-Men are sent to fight her. During the fight the Uncanny X-men and the Sentinels join the battle. Young Cyclops protects Jean Grey causing almost near death and a disappearance of older Cyclops. But it’s prevented by Triage after all the worries and everyone is sent home to discuss about sending the original X-Men home. But after much refusal here comes the future X-Men!

The Good
This event is already off to a good start. The discussions with the original X-Men going home were really amazing with great conflict. I also have liked young Iceman here because he’s becoming a fleshed out character and really funny. It was also just crazy how older Cyclops just disappeared. I wasn’t really expecting that. The action scenes and the art were also really nice. This issue was just another “wow” factor to me which, is really good. 

The Bad
The only problem is that there wasn’t much interaction with the Uncanny X-Men and most especially Angel. I have been aching to see Angel more developed since he appeared in All New X-men which hasn’t happened. It’s like the character is being completely ignored and he shouldn’t be because he just joined the Uncanny X-Men.

I think this issue gets a 4.5/9.8 out of 5/10 stars. It was an amazing start to a very interesting event. It’s definitely keeping me to want to read more. It had great interactions and conflict with all the characters. The only problem is not enough Angel development at all. But everything else is good. I recommend you check this event out. 

Action Comics #23.1: Cyborg Superman Review – “Who is this vile violent man? And how violent can he go?”

Finally it’s villain’s month!!! And I have been waiting to read ever since it was announced. I’m really excited to read them and please check out the 3D covers. They are just absolutely awesome! Now on to Cyborg Superman, if you have been reading Supergirl you would know what’s been up with him. So far, I really like this interpretation of Cyborg Superman because he’s really sick and evil. I really dig the original one too. But I think this version is slightly better and this issue definitely lets us know his awesome origin.  

The story is in a back and forth motion between Zor-el’s conflicts with his family and the aftermath of Krypton. During the aftermath, Brainiac builds Zor-el into to Cyborg Superman. He also causes destruction in a nearby planet called Kampara.

The Good
I think this issue was really good! The character, Cyborg Superman is just “wow”! He’s very immersively evil and violent. When he arrives on Kampara he just destroys everything and makes the citizens of the planet feel torture and suffering. Man, he is just brutal. You also get to learn about the man he was which Zor-el is. This Zor-el is very different than the pre-New 52. He’s really arrogant and has become really obsessive with saving his family and his city Argo. Zor-el is really cruel when he argues with his family. But you can tell he really cares because he tries to apologize and even makes way to try other means even if he disagrees like sending Supergirl to Earth. He really tries his best to be good to them. I really the take on this character because it really shows he has flaws. I have always known the previous Zor-el to be one dimensional like all good and cheerful or all mean and vile. So, it’s nice to see they combine the two. I also think the art is very beautiful especially on action and explosions. It just works very well.  The dialogue with the arguments Zor-el was very well done here too.

The Bad
To be honest, I kind of miss Hank Henshaw being Cyborg Superman. He had an awesome characterization that I would have to see redone. The Team 7 appearance really didn’t do him justice. So, just knowing that he isn’t this character seems disappointing. But I can understand because Hank’s continuity before the New 52 was just a mess and I don’t think they wanted to try to fix now.


I give this issue a 4.5/9.8 out of 5/10 stars. I feel this was an amazing issue. It’s just awesome to find out who this character was and how he has become with this transformation. The only disappointment is missing the original identity. But this issue is definitely a recommend buy. 

Wolverine: Japan’s Most Wanted #9 Review – "Can Wolverine be put to the test to fight an old woman?"

Since the time of reading Wolverine in “Marvel Now!” he really hasn't been well developed. I can honestly say his best title right now is Savage Wolverine. The other three titles have been okay to mediocre. But I believe this infinite comic series has been his second best. I am surprised that it is because the Guardians of The Galaxy infinite comics weren’t really that great. But there’s been a problem with this series. It’s the inconsistency of good and bad titles and sadly this was one of them. It really needs to go back to when it first started.

Wolverine and Osen are put into a fight with Masako. But after much bickering they finally put a stop and get ready to fight the Silver Samurai.

The Good
This issue was an okay read. It really didn’t “wow” me as much the other issues. The only great thing about this issue is the great art and action scenes.

The Bad
Not much went on with this issue and the dialogue was really iffy. Wolverine just seems to puss up to fight against some old woman. This issue was just alright.


This issue gets 3/6.5 out of 5/10 stars. I can really say much because it just had to much bickering and nice action scenes. Maybe if the bickering was cut down enough with better dialogue it would have been good. I really hope that the next issue will keep me an interesting pace.

Batman ’66 #10 Review – "Robin, to the British Batmobile!"

Ever since I was a child, my brother and I much enjoyed watching reruns of the 60’s Batman TV series. Now that DC has decided the series in digital comics it has really throw me off the roof! It’s has been very funny and exciting to read and art has been very beautiful to see. I hoping to see more and I enjoyed this issue very much. It’s definitely worth reading.

The Story
Bruce and Dick were on their way to fishing, but they overheard the crime The Mad Hatter has committed in Great Britain. So, they decided to put aside their fun to fight Mad Hatter’s evil doing!

The Good
First thing I got say is that British Batmobile is awesome! I seriously cracked up when I saw this and I believe the entire issue really got me rolling. Even Robin’s catch lines got me laughing. This issue had a lot of good laughs and great dialogue even with The Mad Hatter. I don’t even remember his TV series appearances. But I checked online and he sure was there. So, I definitely got to check them out. They did a very good job on him here.

The Bad
I don’t think there was anything really bad with this issue. It just had a lot weirdness going on, like Batman and Robin being celebrities? I’m not sure, but seeing them with Alfred I think people would have caught on them being Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson. I also don’t think Mad Hatter would go around stealing hats. I can see him doing more of a mind control kind of thing.  But I guess it was supposed to be ridiculous and seriously a Scottish relative of Jim Gordon? (Laughs)

I really think this issue gets 5/9.8 out of 5/10 stars. It was an amazing fun trip to Britain! I will definitely tune into the next issue for the continuation of Mad Hatter. I am really hoping for a lot more ridiculousness and laughs in the next issue!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Injustice: Gods Among Us #34 – “Did Superman just really do that?”

Ever since I’ve been reading this series it has kept me in suspense and in shock about how Superman has turned out to the man that he is now.  Also, I feel this issue has me torn at the inside of my heart.

After Superman beats Green Arrow to death, he gets into much anger about Batman stealing the super invulnerability pill. His parents try to talk to him about the way he’s been acting. But Superman still decided to go after him. So, now Batman is prepared to take on Superman alone.

The Good
As I read this issue it really made me hate the man Superman has become. I really think that is the point. So, I give positive points for that. Man, just seeing Superman kill Green Arrow to death was brutal and seeing the emotions of everyone was intense fully good!

The Bad
I honestly don’t know why Superman would have created this super invulnerability pill, because Superman isn’t the type to “make” stuff. I see that Batman would be more of the man to do this. It just seems pathetic how Batman would steal something to defeat Superman. Batman has created stuff to beat Superman all the time in other stories so it doesn’t make any sense.  I am surprised that Superman didn’t even do anything to help Jonathan Kent to get rid of the arrow that’s stabbed on his shoulder. And why would Jonathan just stand there not in pain? He acted as if was nothing. I ‘m also surprised at how his parents didn’t have much authority on Superman especially Jonathan Kent and Jor-el have been known for that. I also can’t see how Catwoman would be brave enough to fight Superman.

I give this issue 3.5/7.5 out of 5/10 stars. Yes, that’s my score because I only liked the anger reactions that Superman had wanted to kill Batman. His dialogue was really hurtful and perfect. It just seems too strange for Superman not to help Jonathan Kent when it was the main reason he was at the Fortress of Solitude in the first place. Also, it would have been better to see more of a backlash argument from his parents because I feel they would be the least to be afraid of him. Just to watching Superman kill Green Arrow. I would see them at least jumping in and stop him. After seeing Man of Steel, I can’t just see Jor-el as a hologram anymore. (Laughs) I can’t even see Jonathan Kent because didn’t they just told us that he’s a fighter? Since he tried to fight the military men when they touched his wife. 

Adventures of Superman #19 Review- “Superman ain’t got time for this!”

After the last issue I have reviewed of this series, it has been going downhill. But since I have been close enough to be catching up on titles I decided to do reviews again.

After a big fight with Metallo, Superman saves a suicide fan falling from a building. After saving him a few times Superman finds out a Superman saving/suicide cult and they are considering for him to saving all of them?

The Good
I’m really on the fence on this issue because even though it’s an interesting story it doesn’t really play out well. I would have preferred a Metallo story because the action scene was pretty awesome and we haven’t seen him since The New 52 started.

The Bad
I really don’t understand why the Metallo fight was in the story if it wasn’t the main focus. I honestly think it would have dealt better without it to make it more fleshed out. I also think Superman could have put more authority to these dumb people’s heads to not think he will save them all. It’s just stupid how people would take that risk especially with their own children!? Plus, Superman “ain’t got time for that!” (Laughs) He has enough trouble trying to battle super villains and someone who really needs some saving. Also I felt the art could be displacing in the action and faces sometimes. 


I think this issue deserves 3/6.5 out of 5/10 stars, mainly because I need to read the next chapter to tell if this will be a good story.  This story just too redundant at this time now because there have already been three suicide stories in just three months. 

Ultimate TV-Verse Podcast Episode 5 - Firefly Episode 9 (Ariel) & Episode 10 (War Stories)

  Hey everyone welcome to another episode of Ultimate TV-Verse podcast!! I know the news relating to Joss Whedon in this podcast is a bit ou...